Magic is always the answer, so the fact that The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento is chock-full of magic means you can’t go wrong! Our team of experts knows exactly how to make this experience one your child will never forget. An authentic princess experience is the ultimate dream come true for any fairytale fan, so we know your little girl will love what we have to offer.

What You Need for a Great Princess Party in Sacramento


Your child will truly believe that she has entered an enchanting fairytale land with a birthday from The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento! Your little girl’s chosen princess will arrive with her charming personality, warm smile, and plenty of enthusiasm for the exciting event. She will bring with her all of the magic and wonder your child has been wishing for. Your princess performer will treat your party like it’s the kingdom’s grand ball and she’ll give your little royals-in-training all the attention they crave from a fairytale princess!


You get a full, immersive experience when you party with our princess. She won’t simply show up and pose for photos. She will interact with your children, tell them stories about her royal adventures, and play exciting games with them. The best way for children to make memories is to actually experience something, which is why we know how important it is to make sure their hands and minds stay busy for the duration of your princess party with our exciting party package activities. Your princess has undergone special training to make sure she knows exactly how to keep kids enchanted and entertained.


The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento is committed to giving you the highest quality princess party possible. Our actresses are all specially trained using our one-of-a-kind training system, so you can be sure that whichever one arrives for your little girl’s party will be everything you were hoping for. She will be enthusiastic and friendly, much like you’d expect from a fairytale maiden, and she will also look the part, which will complete the charm and appeal of your child’s princess visitor. We use professional makeup, realistic wigs, and movie-quality princess gowns to make the magic come to life.


Everyone in our kingdom has exceptional passion and years of experience when it comes to children’s entertainment. From development to performance, each and every person who has a hand in making your little girl’s dreams come true is the best of the best in the industry. An extraordinary event can only come from years of practice, planning, and preparation, and we put all of our magic into every party we do. You can feel good knowing that you’ve chosen The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento to deliver the princess party your child has been wishing for!


We know our princesses can do a lot of good with the sheer amount of magic they have to share, so we’ve decided to use our platform to benefit deserving causes and take part in as much charity work as we can. We’re proud to have a focus on charity as a company. The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento participates in fundraisers, benefits, awareness events, and hospital visits, and we are committed to continuing our charity efforts as our company grows!