Why are princesses such consistently beloved fictional characters? What makes them the most popular protagonists in so many movies, storybooks, and classic, exciting adventures? The most enchanting stories are led by the characters we look up to, the ones who make us feel like we can do great things, too. Princesses do just that, by being part of grand, magical stories in which they help others, accomplish goals, and make their world a better place. Fictional princesses are excellent examples for kids, and even for us as adults.

Princesses and charity go together like peanut butter and jelly or tiaras and ball gowns. With their desire to make people happy and their ability to make any situation more cheerful and wonderful, princesses are the perfect ladies for the job when it comes to entertaining and helping support deserving charitable causes.

Why The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento Gives Back


Currently, The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento has its princesses share magic in two major ways: attending events that benefit good causes and individually meeting with ill children.

We are often asked to send our princesses to local charity events as entertainers. Our princesses fit right in at fundraisers, awareness events, benefits, and charity walks because a princess never seems out of place with her grace, elegance, and poise. It’s an honor to be able to interact with charity event participants and attendees, and our princesses love spreading joy at events like these.

Meeting individually with ill children is one of our princess performers’ favorite things to do. It is such a great sight to see when a child who has been struggling through difficult times smiles and lights up at the sight of their favorite fictional princesses who have arrived just to meet them! Princesses bring the kind of brightness that is so often missing from the daily routine of kids who have been sick for a length of time.

This is only the beginning of charity work that we want to take on here at The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento. We’re looking forward to doing even more, like taking part in hospital visits to entertain ill children on a larger scale.


The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento has decided to take a page out of the fairytales and start spreading magic across the city. We know how simple it is to make someone’s day just a little bit better and a little bit brighter, so we’ve decided to do it as often as possible by putting our all into charity shows. As a company with charity at its heart, we know we have a lot to offer the community. What we have to give is something unique and special, and that something is magic.

We are committed to bringing charm and delight to events of all kinds, and everything we do for charity is still sprinkled with princess party perfection. As a company, we are truly honored to have the opportunities we have to make a difference for the Sacramento community, one princess party at a time.


When you have a party with The Princess Party Co. in Sacramento, you’re doing two really wonderful things. First, you’re treating your little girl to an unforgettably charming birthday. Second, you’re making it possible for us to give another deserving child that same magic during a charity visit. We set aside a little bit of what we make from everyday princess parties to put it toward future visits with ill children.

Another way you can help us share the magic is by helping us spread the word about our enchanting princess parties. Liking us on social media and tagging us in your photos is a great way to help us build up our connections, giving us even more opportunity to take part in charity events.